Saturday, August 15, 2009

PUMA in Massachusetts will Unite Together!

  • Do you live in or around Massachusetts and believe the 2008 Democratic Primary was fatally flawed?
  • Do you believe the Democratic Presumptive Nominee was selected and not elected by the people?
  • Do you believe the Democratic party has left you?
  • Do you find the thought of voting for Senator Obama in November unbearable?

If you answered yes to these question please come join us. This blog will be dedicated to providing information to citizens living in MA about PUMA. It will also be used to enlist and gather members of PUMA that live in or around the MA area. If you would like to become a member of PUMA’s in MA, please email to join our growing group. You will be notified of activities and upcoming events in our area that will help us take back democracy!

When sending your email please provide atleast the following information:

*First Name/Last Initial

*City/State currently living

*Email Address

If you feel comforable providing a phone number, please do so.
Please invite your friends, family, and co-workers that also live in our area.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Multiple Mass. superdelegates plan to vote for Clinton in Denver


By Jeremy P. Jacobs

A recent survey of Massachusetts superdelegates that endorsed U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary found that several plan to vote for Clinton on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention next week.

Following news that Clinton's name will be placed in nomination at the convention next week in Devner, contacted every Massachusetts superdelegate that endorsed Clinton in the primary this week and asked if he or she planned to vote for the New York senator on the first ballot for nomination next week.

According to Politico's tally of superdelegates, 11 in Massachusetts delegation endorsed Clinton in the primary.

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